These are the memories of our life that I would like to remember and keep forever!
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Family shoot preview
Just for fun I thought that I would give you a sneak preview of our family photos that we took right before Ben graduated and we moved basically we ended one part of our lives and heres to another
Jarom's first month!
It has taken me awhile to actually post pictures of Jarom, but not because I am busy with two kids. I find him very special to me and also feel very possessive of him. I really do not want to share I guess and I needed time to just spend that time with him. Perhaps because of not having any say over him when he was in the hospital. Some of the memories are very hard to go over again.
I have no pictures of Jarom in the NICU room 1
This is the room where he went before he went home!
This is the mark left behind by the feeding tube (it also ripped off my soft peach fuzz)
Mommy is taking me home today!
Every three hours my blood sugar had to be tested
This is my little coming home outfit!
We rare out of the hospital and resting comfortably with NO cords
This is how I sleep with my foot up in the air!
I try to give Isaac time with his brother. Most of the time this is what happens, Jarom gets attacked!
I am pretty cute when I sleep
Tummy time for the first time! We call him frog legs!
Bright eyes
I think this is a silly face
Happy 4th of July!
Awake and Happy!
I can think and sleep
These are all my boys!
Friday, June 29, 2012
The birthday cup cake
I had plans to do a number of different things before everything changed on May 24th. One of my plans was to be a pretty cool mom and throw Issac a very fun birthday party with friends and other things. The plan was to have the party on saturday the day before his birthday so we could play at the water park. We finally got back to our home on thursday in the evening. I seriously thought about still going on with the plan the only problem was other people had no warning. I gave up all my plans and just decided we would do a family thing. After that decision I felt really lame and started calling people and inviting them to eat cupcakes with us at our apartment complex's little park. Ben had to go to work and I just think that it was lame he had to leave.
This was his cupcake with the family before the lighting
The other pictures are on my moms camera
Isaac cried when we sang to him and once we lit the candle he kept wanting to touch it. not as fun as I thought it was going to be. However he loved eating his cupcake!
I just made a cake box mix into cupcakes and it made over 24 which is part of the reason why I invited people to eat them with us. Well I wanted the cupcakes to look like baseballs. We used twizzles to be the lacing. I am glad I never tried to follow through with the other cake plans since I only got half the cupcakes decorated even with my moms help.
Here are some of our friends that came to eat cupcakes with us for Isaac's first birthday
Our good friend Connor
Isaac has always loved Tyson
Heather and Clair
Tyson and his boy Otto (the boys really were happier than they look)
Caryssa and Everett (Connors parents)
Tyson had the Honor of getting messy by Isaac
Baby Jarom chillin in grandmas lap
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Our New Baby Boy!
Friday night I started having what I thought could have been labor contraction for about two hours. I was so tired and thought about the needles and the pain of contraction so much that it really felt like I talked myself out of labor. All of these contractions subsided and I fell asleep and life continued. About ten o'clock last night I got another wind of these same painful contractions that I did not want to bare the pain of again. Isaac has been sleeping in the same room as us as we are in the Ronald McDonald house which I have been hoping that I go into labor during the day because of. I decided to take a bath to help ease the pain. The pain is still there and Isaac is not going back to bed so I finally tell Ben after a good 7 tires it is not worth it. I take another bath and still the pain is less then desirable. I finally try to think about who to call here since that part either was explained to me and it went in one ear and out the other or had not been told to me. I really almost called my doctors back in Idaho. But I just tried the clinic and someone answered right away it was great. I tried explaining to her what was going on and she said to just come on in and the only way to know was to be checked. I then proceded to tell her about how I was not sure and yadda yadda yadda. She basically said well just go in it wont hurt. My thoughts on the matter were rather different, I really thought that I was not in labor I was wanting relief from the contractions and I mostly did not want to look like an idiot going to the hospital with a one year old and my husband for a false call, how embarrassing. Well what really got me to go in was she said she was putting a call over to let them know I was coming. Uh ok I guess I really am going to the hospital then. We make sure we have the diaper bag for Isaac and head out the door.
I am still not really believing that I am in labor but I let them check me in. I ask them what would admit me in since I have been a 4 for weeks the midwifes response you don't need much change just some. Well when we got to the hospital at 3am she said I was a 5 so they were going to admit me in. To me I am still wondering if this is all worth it or not. We call Ben's parents to come get Isaac since me in labor and his emotions might not be the best combo. I ask for a tub room and they take me to one. About the time that Ben's parents get there I ask how often my contractions are apart she says 1 to 2 mins. I decided then that I am really in labor. The nurse got everything together to give me an IV and I do my usual questioning of are you good? I pretty much left it at that since everyone here has really been great. Well this was one of those times that I should not have left it alone so easily. This nurse is the exact reason why I do not do needles. Literally she is digging it around and whatever else, I am screaming and yelling at her that she is done and that it hurts. This is with no exaggeration I am yelling and telling her she is done and gets no other chances. She has another women come do it and like a charm it works. I am seriously build my hatred for the girl who said she was good. Everyone that has seen me has said my vein are good and it is never a problem.
Here is the problem this nurse started taking away all my pain with counter pressure for every contraction. Now I love her. She was so wonderful to me and stayed in the room the whole time until her shift was up. Heaven sent she was. She was there for everything and just sweet and perfect. I suppose I got over the failed IV rather quickly after she took away my pain. She asked to leave once to go to the bathroom and I seriously looked at her like I was going to die. She said Ben could do what she was doing since it was pretty easy just pushing again my knees. Sweet husband tried and just did not do it right at all. I really needed her back and she took long enough to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I thought I was going to die I was in the middle of contractions trying to explain to Ben how he is doing it wrong and crocked and it was not the best combo. I was never mad just in a ton of pain.
I know that they checked me again and I was a 7 I can't remember the hour
I know that they checked me again and I was a 9 plus with a bludging bag of water
At 7 am I got a whole new staff including the doctor. I got a new nurse who was very sweet but rather weak by comparison. Her efforts to do the counter pressure we 100% her physical ability to do them as well was not quite. Before my buff and burly nurse left she checked me and I was 9 plus with a little bit of cervix there.
When they checked me and I was great than a 9 they started to talk to me about breaking my water to get the baby here sooner. I started to really complain about the pain once I was at least a 9 because the pain changed and it really hurt no matter what the nurses did as counter pressure. I told them that I was the natural kind of person and that is why I did not have any medication. It might have even been the nurse who just did not have the weight behind her that caused the greater pain but who knows. I refused the offer to break my water for a few hours since I knew all things would happen. I went for a few more hours of this pain and had the new staff explain to me the risks and all that jazz. The only thing they really had for me is you will get rid of this pain and the baby will be here soon.
Since I got into the Labor and Delivery room the were working fast to have everything ready and put together. I had the baby pediatrics and everything squared away. This new doctor was also the sweetest guy. He got down on my level and talked so kindly to me and explained the whole breaking the water thing to me a few times and then I told him to talk with Ben about it and see what he thinks. The Doctor's response was it is your body. I said I know but I need to know what he thinks. Ben had it explained to him and I was seriously done with the pain so I finally gave in and had them break my water. I thought in my mind that it would be a half hour or hour more before the baby came.
When they broke my water I was on my side. Right after ok maybe in the same second as when they broke my water I was pushing that baby out of me on my side..... That was the weirdest thing ever, it all happened sooo fast. Within 10 min our baby was out. While pushing I kept saying get him out, get him out! Is he out yet just get him out. I was so done pushing and the pain of that. They kept telling me to keep pushing and whatever else and after every push I would ask again if he was out yet.
I kept saying that I was not going to get to see or hold my baby and I think they were mindful of that because they gave him to me right away and I got to hold him for a good 20 mins while the stitched up my tiny tear and checked me for whatever else.
Ben kept telling me things about the baby but mostly I was too annoyed with the stitches and that I was not going to get to hold my baby very long to really hear what he was saying at all. Everyone kept telling me to look at my baby or notice this and quite frankly they put him up so high that I could barely see him and my body was shaking so much I couldn't move him either. Dark black hair that was long and lots of it. After awhile of the chaos he started to fuss a little bit and I tried to speak to him to calm him. It worked I could calm him.
He was acting very hungry right before they took him away and I knew that I couldn't nurse him. This absolutely killed me. He was hungry and needed me and everyone else got to take him and do as they pleased to him. I needed him too I needed him to nurse from me and help my uterus to contract. At this point he had had no heart problems and heart was healthy so I had Ben go with him to the normal nursery.
I was asking for food and the breakfast was not anything that I wanted they offered me other things of equally no satisfying taste. So I had the nurse and Ben feed me the cantelope from the plate. So I could take some pain meds which I really needed. I kept asking why I was in so much pain and my stomach keep feeling like I was having contractions and let me side step with you for a bit. I really hate IV's and the things they can allow people to do with you. Ok so apparently without my consent at all they started giving me pitocin. What are you kidding me, why were you giving me that. Apparently there was a small bulge in my uterus and they wanted to get rid of it. Well gee duh give me my baby and let him nurse. I was so mad that they just gave me something without even asking or telling me. Oh it hurt so bad for over an hour like I was going to have a baby.
The nurse that was staying with me to help with everything was just emotionally perfect. She kept telling me how perfect my baby was and advocating for me to get more time with him. She was working on getting me right over to see my baby and then we would shower and get all the way ready. we were in the wheelchair backing up when two people walked in I should have known they were not here to report happy things. I was informed that Jarom went into his super fast heart rate. They took him over to the NICU. I sat there crying everything that was so perfect was now who knows what. The chances for me holding my baby were even less. This meant that the IV he got away from was not attached. I just could not even look at them I sat there fiddling with the blanket that was over me. The nurse said that we could still go see me baby and so I finally agreed to go do that. It was comforting that I had Ben come eat and then go back with our baby. I was hopeful that he was there but I was not sure all I knew was he was not back with me so most likely he was with our baby. They wheeled me in and I had the lady stop because there was at least 15 people around him doing who knows what other than the had needles and I did not want to be over there. Ben came over and briefly told me what was going on and asked me if I wanted to go over I said there was needles then no I would wait.
I waited till most of the chaos was gone and Ben came back over to me and told me one of the things that they were actually doing. They tried ice to get his heart rate to go down but that didn't work. They had to stop his heart and start it again. Ben said he actually saw it all flatline and come back. He came back over with tissues for me and the nurse helping push me in the wheelchair. We went over to his little bed and I saw that stupid IV that I knew he would have along with all the other cords connected to him. This was pretty much the first time that I was able to see him since when they put him on me after birth he was up so high. A number of other things happened that I can no longer remember.
I am still not really believing that I am in labor but I let them check me in. I ask them what would admit me in since I have been a 4 for weeks the midwifes response you don't need much change just some. Well when we got to the hospital at 3am she said I was a 5 so they were going to admit me in. To me I am still wondering if this is all worth it or not. We call Ben's parents to come get Isaac since me in labor and his emotions might not be the best combo. I ask for a tub room and they take me to one. About the time that Ben's parents get there I ask how often my contractions are apart she says 1 to 2 mins. I decided then that I am really in labor. The nurse got everything together to give me an IV and I do my usual questioning of are you good? I pretty much left it at that since everyone here has really been great. Well this was one of those times that I should not have left it alone so easily. This nurse is the exact reason why I do not do needles. Literally she is digging it around and whatever else, I am screaming and yelling at her that she is done and that it hurts. This is with no exaggeration I am yelling and telling her she is done and gets no other chances. She has another women come do it and like a charm it works. I am seriously build my hatred for the girl who said she was good. Everyone that has seen me has said my vein are good and it is never a problem.
Here is the problem this nurse started taking away all my pain with counter pressure for every contraction. Now I love her. She was so wonderful to me and stayed in the room the whole time until her shift was up. Heaven sent she was. She was there for everything and just sweet and perfect. I suppose I got over the failed IV rather quickly after she took away my pain. She asked to leave once to go to the bathroom and I seriously looked at her like I was going to die. She said Ben could do what she was doing since it was pretty easy just pushing again my knees. Sweet husband tried and just did not do it right at all. I really needed her back and she took long enough to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I thought I was going to die I was in the middle of contractions trying to explain to Ben how he is doing it wrong and crocked and it was not the best combo. I was never mad just in a ton of pain.
I know that they checked me again and I was a 7 I can't remember the hour
I know that they checked me again and I was a 9 plus with a bludging bag of water
At 7 am I got a whole new staff including the doctor. I got a new nurse who was very sweet but rather weak by comparison. Her efforts to do the counter pressure we 100% her physical ability to do them as well was not quite. Before my buff and burly nurse left she checked me and I was 9 plus with a little bit of cervix there.
When they checked me and I was great than a 9 they started to talk to me about breaking my water to get the baby here sooner. I started to really complain about the pain once I was at least a 9 because the pain changed and it really hurt no matter what the nurses did as counter pressure. I told them that I was the natural kind of person and that is why I did not have any medication. It might have even been the nurse who just did not have the weight behind her that caused the greater pain but who knows. I refused the offer to break my water for a few hours since I knew all things would happen. I went for a few more hours of this pain and had the new staff explain to me the risks and all that jazz. The only thing they really had for me is you will get rid of this pain and the baby will be here soon.
Since I got into the Labor and Delivery room the were working fast to have everything ready and put together. I had the baby pediatrics and everything squared away. This new doctor was also the sweetest guy. He got down on my level and talked so kindly to me and explained the whole breaking the water thing to me a few times and then I told him to talk with Ben about it and see what he thinks. The Doctor's response was it is your body. I said I know but I need to know what he thinks. Ben had it explained to him and I was seriously done with the pain so I finally gave in and had them break my water. I thought in my mind that it would be a half hour or hour more before the baby came.
When they broke my water I was on my side. Right after ok maybe in the same second as when they broke my water I was pushing that baby out of me on my side..... That was the weirdest thing ever, it all happened sooo fast. Within 10 min our baby was out. While pushing I kept saying get him out, get him out! Is he out yet just get him out. I was so done pushing and the pain of that. They kept telling me to keep pushing and whatever else and after every push I would ask again if he was out yet.
I kept saying that I was not going to get to see or hold my baby and I think they were mindful of that because they gave him to me right away and I got to hold him for a good 20 mins while the stitched up my tiny tear and checked me for whatever else.
Ben kept telling me things about the baby but mostly I was too annoyed with the stitches and that I was not going to get to hold my baby very long to really hear what he was saying at all. Everyone kept telling me to look at my baby or notice this and quite frankly they put him up so high that I could barely see him and my body was shaking so much I couldn't move him either. Dark black hair that was long and lots of it. After awhile of the chaos he started to fuss a little bit and I tried to speak to him to calm him. It worked I could calm him.
He was acting very hungry right before they took him away and I knew that I couldn't nurse him. This absolutely killed me. He was hungry and needed me and everyone else got to take him and do as they pleased to him. I needed him too I needed him to nurse from me and help my uterus to contract. At this point he had had no heart problems and heart was healthy so I had Ben go with him to the normal nursery.
I was asking for food and the breakfast was not anything that I wanted they offered me other things of equally no satisfying taste. So I had the nurse and Ben feed me the cantelope from the plate. So I could take some pain meds which I really needed. I kept asking why I was in so much pain and my stomach keep feeling like I was having contractions and let me side step with you for a bit. I really hate IV's and the things they can allow people to do with you. Ok so apparently without my consent at all they started giving me pitocin. What are you kidding me, why were you giving me that. Apparently there was a small bulge in my uterus and they wanted to get rid of it. Well gee duh give me my baby and let him nurse. I was so mad that they just gave me something without even asking or telling me. Oh it hurt so bad for over an hour like I was going to have a baby.
The nurse that was staying with me to help with everything was just emotionally perfect. She kept telling me how perfect my baby was and advocating for me to get more time with him. She was working on getting me right over to see my baby and then we would shower and get all the way ready. we were in the wheelchair backing up when two people walked in I should have known they were not here to report happy things. I was informed that Jarom went into his super fast heart rate. They took him over to the NICU. I sat there crying everything that was so perfect was now who knows what. The chances for me holding my baby were even less. This meant that the IV he got away from was not attached. I just could not even look at them I sat there fiddling with the blanket that was over me. The nurse said that we could still go see me baby and so I finally agreed to go do that. It was comforting that I had Ben come eat and then go back with our baby. I was hopeful that he was there but I was not sure all I knew was he was not back with me so most likely he was with our baby. They wheeled me in and I had the lady stop because there was at least 15 people around him doing who knows what other than the had needles and I did not want to be over there. Ben came over and briefly told me what was going on and asked me if I wanted to go over I said there was needles then no I would wait.
I waited till most of the chaos was gone and Ben came back over to me and told me one of the things that they were actually doing. They tried ice to get his heart rate to go down but that didn't work. They had to stop his heart and start it again. Ben said he actually saw it all flatline and come back. He came back over with tissues for me and the nurse helping push me in the wheelchair. We went over to his little bed and I saw that stupid IV that I knew he would have along with all the other cords connected to him. This was pretty much the first time that I was able to see him since when they put him on me after birth he was up so high. A number of other things happened that I can no longer remember.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
11 months and a whirlwind
Isaac woke up like cockwork at 7am we were so not ready to be awake so in out attempts to take care of our very sick selves and Isaac we put on the T.V. on mute and let him do whatever in the house while we tried to sleep mmore. After his morning nap I asked a friend to come take him so we could finally get some sleep and she did. The plan was to have him come back right before his afternoon nap.
About the time that we were getting Isaac back I thought about how when I was in bed I tried to feel for the baby and it had been hours and I had felt no movement. I talked with Ben and asked him if I should call the doctors over it and we decided to do so. I asked if I could come in and get checked and they sent me right in.
I had some one take me so Ben could be home with Isaac since he had been shipped off and taken care of by many other people recently. At the doctor's appointment they had me do a urine sample to check for dehydration and then a none stress test. This is where they hook you up to a machine and check for contractions and the baby's heart beat. They can also see about the baby reactivity (is the baby responding to anything). Well my baby was not having any variability or reactivity. At this point we talked about an IV to get fluids into me and the likilyhood of a c-section. She said she had to go up to the hospital and that I needed to follow her up there to be further checked. I had forgotten my wallet before this and thought that I needed it so we went back to the house to get that and since I knew we were not in for a walk in the park a blessing.
We got back to the house and I told Ben what was going on, we got our home teacher to come over and help with a blessing. I remember from this being told that I would be strong enough to handle whatever and that the doctors would know what to do and that the Lord was mindful of the situation and knew what was going on.
We head up to the hospital and I am just not looking forward to an IV or this whole C-section idea. Anywho we get there and check in go up to labor and delivery and the same monitoring procedure starts. The nurse never seemed quite right while listening to the heart beat. At the doctors office it said it was about 130 beats per minute and that is also what the machine at the hospital was saying. The nurse just said it did not sound right. They get a few people in to check it out and listen. The nurse asked for a Doppler so she could count and double check to see what the heartbeat was.
My midwife came in and listened as well. At this moment Helene (midwife) covers her mouth and says OMG and I said WHAT? She was in serious shock. The heartbeat was not 130 that was all the machine could pick up it was about 260bpm. The machines were halving the heartbeat because of how fast it was going. As a side note a normal fetus heartbeat is between 120 and 160bpm. So the draw my blood and start an IV and say that Ben needs to get up here now. The whole C-section thing is really getting to me I do not do needles, and I beg my midwife to just be emotional with me and she hugs me and I can tell she understands. Because all of this is way out of her expertise she had gotten a hold of the doctor on call who I met once before.
Doctor Meredith was equally shocked and had called the specialty teams here in UT as for further advice. I really have no clue what is going on right now other than I am trying to emotionally prepare for a C-Section. Ben comes and my friend leaves and they take me over to a Labor and Delivery room, Helene says it is her favorite room and she says and talks with me for awhile. They have an ultrasound tech come in and start to check things out further.
I asked some questions but the two I remember was after your are done doing your job can you just look and see if it is really a boy, and can I have a picture? They all laugh at me and say it is clear and obvious that it is a boy and that no one is wrong and I tell them the story about Karen saying she had never been wrong and if she was then she would pay for college. I accept it. At this point they tell me the baby has a SVT (supraventricular tachycardia). The baby's heartbeat is too fast. The ultrasound tech is also doing a BPP(Biophysical profile). For the BPP there are five things that they are looking at, 1 fine movement, 2 gross movement, 3 fluid around the baby, 4 breathing, and I believe the heart rate.
They rate the BPP on a scale 0 to 10. My poor baby was not having fine or gross movement. The rating was 2-4 not very good at all. Ben goes out to give our house keys to our friend and get our cameras and it takes him a bit. He comes back in and tells me they are going to fly me to U of U. Uhm what? ok. Why does he know and I do not. Meanwhile Debbie comes to the hospital and we relay the story to her and I ask that she make a list of things to bring and then go with Ben to pack up him and Isaac so they can meet me at the Hospital since there was room for him on the plane but not Isaac. They leave and man the reality T.V. shows hit.
Doctor Meredith comes back in with an ultrasound machine again. All of these other people start coming in again as well they are all from the ambulance and the flight team. I could not get on the plane until the baby had a better BPP more like 4 or 6 preferably a 8. Still we are waiting for the poor baby to move. While they are doing the ultrasound I can see the little heart beating so rapidly that I think he just needs to come out. It was pretty scary to see just how fast the little guys heart was going. I just did not want to see that anymore it was too much I forget what the baby didn't pass. They baby moves enough and then they check me to see how dilated and effaced I am and they say 4 and 80%.
Before they start getting me on the stretcher they tell me I have to have a Cather put in or fully tube. Uhm ok wait what. Yeah the most uncomfortable thing ever. It hurt and it was terrible. Apparently people usually get them when they have epidurals and can't feel a thing. well let me tell you I felt it all.
The swarm of people come in and introduce themselves to me and tell me a bunch of other things I do not remember. I get sheet lifted on to a stretcher and have an oxygen mask on and heart rate monitors and whatever else. well they have me cross my arms over my chest and start strapping me down and wrapping blankets around me. I literally can't move. They wheel me out of the hospital and I remember thinking am I dying I certainly don't feel like I am dying. I also thought about how many people I must be scaring. You normally do not have someone leaving the hospital on a stretcher, that is how they come in.
They get me into the ambulance and turn the sirens on and take me to an airport. I seriously have no clue where I went all I know is that I finally was able to take a ride in an ambulance for the first time in my life with sirens, which by the way are not very loud inside the ambulance. The girls that were with me were so nice they got Ben's number and said that they call the husbands when they land and all that jazz.
At the airport I start to look around a bit more and I see the plane it is itty bitty and every time they moved me from one thing to another I felt really fat. When they would lift me into the next vehicle I thought I was going to fall every time..... this must have come across in my face because they would reassure me that they have me and that I was not going to be dropped.
The airplane ride was pretty interesting. I could not hear much or see too much either. I took up half of the airplane. I was able to see out of a few windows although there was not much to see. Once we got going I was able to look out the window and see the cresant moon for awhile, that was nice and pretty. Mostly I just watched the lady Sandy who was with me. They have so much paperwork they have to do. She was so nice and kept asking me if I was ok and I was. Mostly it was all a blur, I still had no clue what was going on. I was just hoping that Ben would be there for the C-section is all.
We landed about an hour and a half later at the Salt Lake International airport. From the airport we got into another ambulance and rode with the sirens and lights on. We never had to stop at all we went straight to the University of Utah hospital. I believe at this time it was about 10pm or close to that. I ask again about the stupid catheter and food. They take the catheter out and say after they know what is going on they can give me food. I am getting hooked up to everything and they are doing another BPP. Baby rates a 8 out of 10 which is as high as he has ever been so that was nice. The doctor that came in was a redhead and we made jokes about that and it was fun. Oh and because I was in a new hospital they drew my blood again. Three needles in the same day within a few hours....
Ben arrived some time after the chaos and drama was mostly over. He brought Isaac who was just so tired and confused in with him. My poor baby was uhm well wearing something from a friend and I just had to laugh. He did not come to me. I think we went to bed that night at about 1:30am.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Doctor's Apt.
Today I had my first appointment that starts everyweek from here to the end. Is it really almost the end? The thought tha tit is almost the end is a bit crazy but verry exciting. I have never beenone to enjoy pregnancy much and feeling pregnant for almost two years straight does not help at all. At the doctors appointment they were going to do my Group b test so I asked if they could just check me then as well. They complied and I was told that I was a 3 and a half and 80 percent effaced. I was in complete shock. I thought that maybe I had progressed but in no way did I think hey I am going to go into labor within a week. That is how I felt. Emotions over came me of every sort. I am not ready, I have to get ready. With this was ups and downs of wmotions. I thought about going from one kid to two a good amount before this appointment and my fears of having to neglect one kid to care for the other in greater need.
After the emotions steetled I went to work I asked my neighbor to come over and help me get things ready so I could be prepared since last time Isaac came two weeks early and lets just say I was less than ready. Thanks to some great friends I came home to everything ready and ceaned. This time though I did not want to have to worry about having other people take care of things for me. My neighbor who came over was great we started finding all the baby stuff needed, washing the carseat, vaccuming and whatever else was on my list. It was about 5pm and I said that I did not feel right or good so I asked if she could get me some jello and she did. It did not have the relieveing affect I thought it would so I decided to take a bath, usually that helps.
The bath did not help so I got out and almost immediately started throwing up into the tub. This was the start to a very sick evening.
I called the doctors and they said to take a bath and drink lots of water. Uh that is what I just did. I tried drinking more water and got through a good 32oz or more. Still was not feeling well so I asked my neighbor to help with Isaac because Ben had to go to work a few hours earlier. We had it planned that he would be going to pick up the plastic tote to put all the baby clothes into after work. My plan to be ready tonight.
I was sick enough and not keeping anything down that Finally my neighbor called Ben to come home, she was a bit more concerned than I but still I was having other people take care of me and Isaac and they had families to tend to as well.
Ben cacme home and put Isaac to bed and he too was not feeling very well. I continued to throw up and asked him to just sleep out in the living room with me because I did not want to move. He did and it was a good thing too because I did not stop throwing up at all that night. At some late hour after putting Isaac to bed we heard him and we thought that he might haven thrown up too. Usually we do not go in and check on him after he is down however both of us were pretty sure he was throwing up. So Ben wen to go check on him and indeed at the same time Isaac was throwing up so was I. I gave up and called another friend to change the sheets because there was no way that Ben could do it all. It was just crazy, and in the mean time Ben was feeling worse. After many hours of this I called the doctors again and I was told to do a kick cocunt. She wanted me to feel for the baby's movement for a hour and see if the baby moved 10 times and if not drink and repeat the next hour. I thought that I was pretty close and if not the baby was moving so I tried to get some sleep. At so,e point after much throwing up I stopped and Ben continued.
After the emotions steetled I went to work I asked my neighbor to come over and help me get things ready so I could be prepared since last time Isaac came two weeks early and lets just say I was less than ready. Thanks to some great friends I came home to everything ready and ceaned. This time though I did not want to have to worry about having other people take care of things for me. My neighbor who came over was great we started finding all the baby stuff needed, washing the carseat, vaccuming and whatever else was on my list. It was about 5pm and I said that I did not feel right or good so I asked if she could get me some jello and she did. It did not have the relieveing affect I thought it would so I decided to take a bath, usually that helps.
The bath did not help so I got out and almost immediately started throwing up into the tub. This was the start to a very sick evening.
I called the doctors and they said to take a bath and drink lots of water. Uh that is what I just did. I tried drinking more water and got through a good 32oz or more. Still was not feeling well so I asked my neighbor to help with Isaac because Ben had to go to work a few hours earlier. We had it planned that he would be going to pick up the plastic tote to put all the baby clothes into after work. My plan to be ready tonight.
I was sick enough and not keeping anything down that Finally my neighbor called Ben to come home, she was a bit more concerned than I but still I was having other people take care of me and Isaac and they had families to tend to as well.
Ben cacme home and put Isaac to bed and he too was not feeling very well. I continued to throw up and asked him to just sleep out in the living room with me because I did not want to move. He did and it was a good thing too because I did not stop throwing up at all that night. At some late hour after putting Isaac to bed we heard him and we thought that he might haven thrown up too. Usually we do not go in and check on him after he is down however both of us were pretty sure he was throwing up. So Ben wen to go check on him and indeed at the same time Isaac was throwing up so was I. I gave up and called another friend to change the sheets because there was no way that Ben could do it all. It was just crazy, and in the mean time Ben was feeling worse. After many hours of this I called the doctors again and I was told to do a kick cocunt. She wanted me to feel for the baby's movement for a hour and see if the baby moved 10 times and if not drink and repeat the next hour. I thought that I was pretty close and if not the baby was moving so I tried to get some sleep. At so,e point after much throwing up I stopped and Ben continued.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
One month away
Isaac woke up very poopy and I was letting Ben finish homework so I got up with Isaac. Poop got everywhere. Change him cleaned the carpet and fed Isaac. After breakfast I gave Isaac a bath because he smelled like poop. I decided that I was going to be on top of pictures this month and do it a few days early to make sure it gets done. I find a cute outfit and put it on him after his bath. Ben leaves and goes to school. I am getting Isaac ready for bed and finished giving him a bottle. I was letting him play a little bit before I put him down and he started to act like he was going to throw up so I put my hands out because I did not want it to get all over the outfit he was wearing. A little comes up and a little bit more. Then everything he had that morning came up all over me, the couch, my breast pump bag, the carpet and the Cute bathed and well dressed baby boy who never got pictures. Oh what am I to do Ben is gone and we are both soaked with puke......I guess bath time again. Isaac was not feeling well at all. Later on after his morning nap I hear him pooping and I make the comment you better not poop out your diaper, oh dont worry he did and he sat on the carpet twice. So five different spots three baths and no help. I was beside myself. Isaac got cleaned I got cleaned and the messes stayed. Oh the emotions of when it rains it pours.
Monday, May 21, 2012
I was looking at my blog to see what I want to change so that I can have it that way I want it to be and I saw the prior post and thought about how a bunch of things are changed and different from the first picture and yet some things are not so different but yet still the same. The door you see in the background still has all the hearts on it from when I heart attacked our bedroom for Ben for Valentines Day in 2011. Most of what I reflected upon is more for me than the rest of the world I just thought the little tidbit about the hearts was interesting!
Friday, May 18, 2012
Bigger one or bigger two?
I have always been sad that the last picture I have taken of me pregnant with Isaac is at 33 almost 34 weeks and I didn't deliver until 38 weeks. I guess I am sad because I will never know how big or small I was before I delivered. This time around I am really going to try to take at least a picture going to the hospital. I originally had someone taking my pictures so that I would not run into this problem, however they moved to Hawaii so now I am super afraid that the pictures we took at 31 weeks will be all I have leaving more time before I deliver this time around.....
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not sure which is bigger but here is 33 1/2 weeks |
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Here is 31 weeks |
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Who will be the winner?
Isaac took 11 steps on his own I believe yesterday! I often find him standing on his own thinking about walking and usually he tries and then falls. It is so nice to see him doing this without Ben or I being right there to support and encourage him to do it all. I have been wondering which would come first between his 1st b day, teeth, and walking. We are still in the running but I think that teeth might just pull ahead and win the race.
Cutting teeth
I was at the store and thought I wonder if wal mart actually has the toothpaste I need for him in stock and low and behold they finally did. I picked it up and was pretty happy. I am very concerned about bottle rot and tooth problems that little kids have because their parents do not help them establish good hygiene habits young. I was waiting to set a bedtime routine until he got teeth but that came too late. I started a bed time routine and took away the binky so he was getting put to sleep with a bottle. Now that teeth are a couple of days away I can no longer do that with him..... I will not have the milk coat his teeth as he sleeps. Hence the tooth brush before bed. I am just trying to figure out how to give him a bottle not before nap. He is a really busy boy and does not take a bottle well outside of his room in his chair with music.
Today we started to change the order and add brushing his teeth before naps and bed. Poor guy just wants to has his binkey and or bottle before bed. I feel like a bad mom but really he does just fine without. So now I tried with a bottle about an hour befoe bed brush his teeth and sit with him with his music on with a sippy cup with water in it. Not so soothing, however he still went to bed just fine and perhaps this is how he will learn to self sooth.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Baby steps
My neighbor told me a long time ago to have me and Ben sit a bit apart and have Isaac walk in between us to help build his confidence. I liked the idea and just never did it, well she and I did it and oh it worked well. She was very concerned that Ben would want to be there for the first but he is busy and I needed to see how well it worked. A few days later I did it with Ben, Isaac responded really well and would get really excited when he was near us. Mostly at the time he was the leaning tower of Isaac. He would just lean and lean until we caught him. As we did this more and more we saw great progress and studder steps. This morning we did it and Isaac would actually take real steps in between us. Usually he would just get so excited and distracted. He tries to run without the ability to do so. At two different times Isaac would be standing and thinking and then he took a step all on his own with no parental motivation. So exciting hopefully the rest comes soon. Yesterday I caught him learning how to stand up in the middle of the room with nothing to support himself. He is getting so big. I keep wondering about potty training... I tease about it being time since he knows how to pull off the toilet paper , flush the toilet, and now open up the toilet seat. I am also working with him to sign so that he can communicate his frustrations with us instead of scream.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Swinging with Daddy!
I have always loved swings and so does Isaac. He loved going on the big swing with daddy, so much that he let us know how upset he was when daddy got off! Sometimes the only way to remedy these situations is to tell him "all done, finished" and he signs it and moves on. This time we had to give him more time on the swings....
You know what daddy loved it too!
My first shovel and pail
A while ago I was at our complex's park with Isaac and a few friends. One of the little girls had a sand bucket and a shovel. He loved these toys and did not want to share. I let him play and play and play in the sand for hours. Who knew he would have so much fun in the sand with these little toys. I knew he needed some of his own after this experience. I went to the store and forgot to look. I went to the store weeks later and I remembered and got him his own shiny bucket and shovel. While at the store Ben and I were debating on which ones to get and the price. We ended up walking away with the cheaper of the two. We opted not to get the more expensive one because the handle was a bit big for his little hands. Today we went outside to kill some time until nap time. It is nice to be able to do things with Ben. Today has also been the first nice day in some time. We love having church early so we can have some time together!
Hey look mom
Such a smart cookie putting sand in the pail
He knows how to dig with his shovel
He had fun pulling the rocks out
If you look closely the shovel is already broken, he tried to use it to stand up
Our little climber, he gets to whatever he wants however he can
He loves to squeeze the sand and it does not get hurt like we do
Isaac is always okay with some extra love
the shovel was broken and from now on I will remember I always have to buy the stronger toys!
Saturday, May 5, 2012
New Carseat
I have been feeling a little bit of pressure to get a new carseat for Issac since any day the baby could be born and the last thing I want is for Isaac to be without and not be able to come to the hospital or have to worry about that purchase after having a baby. I have gone into stores and looked and looked and looked. I have added up the financial cost of buying multiple carseats and storing them and having them go out of date. I have a very skinny kid who will not weigh 22lbs by his first birthday so some options were tossed out. I have a very tiny two door car with two seats in the back so there is not much room, this threw other options out. What was left was either cheap or just not practical since I also have a very tall kid who would out grow the height limit shortly. I just have never been happy about the options and my needs. Anywho I started to look online and do some research. I came across an all in one that also meets all of the federal laws for carseats and boosters. I looked of those too just to make sure I knew what I was in for. I came across the DIONO brand and read about everything little tiny option and detail. It was perfect and fit everything that I was looking for and needed. Oh the carseat also asts for 10 years which is the longest I have ever seen for any carseat. It folds up small, it in narrow, one piece of steal, it does all three.... the list goes on. I knew I wanted the carseat but I had to get Ben on board about the price. I added up buying other carseats and all of the combinations and still they were slightly cheaper and the quality was extremely cheap by comparison. So I took Ben to the stores and had him look and touch and see what I was seeing. After him seeing everything and me doing some price shopping online I found this carseat as cheap as I could and got it. I waited and today it came! I was really excited and Isaac also seemed to be excited as well.
Oh this is his new face that he apparently makes whenever I get out the camera. Isaac was so excited to have a new box to climb all over he was even kissing the box in the beginning before I gout the camera!
Thursday, May 3, 2012
I surprise myself with my talents
I learned how to crochet when I was 12 or so. I always did everything with my mom. When I moved away I took forever to build confidence to make anything since my mom could not fix it. I have been making some hair flowers and baby socks and edging on blankets, bibs and burp cloths. Well I have a friend who asked me to help her make a little girl hat. I never have learned from a pattern, I always had my mom show me what the pattern said. When I came across the flower pattern I learned from a video and worked along with the video. I did not have that option this time so I decided to try working with a pattern. I made a hat that was supposed to be a newborn size, the hat was big enough for my head. So I tried again and I got it all perfect! here is what it all turned out to be!
If anyone is interested in purchasing one let me know, I am saving for a Kitchen Aid.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Climb again, climb again
I have know that I have a little climber on my hands for awhile now but most things are still not climbable. The couch is still a tad bit high without help the chairs are also the same. He still tries and tries and tries. Well today the little guy climbed and stood ontop of my sewing machine. Of course he had to throw everything off the top of it first. What was he trying to get the printer and the junk stacked up ontop of it. How did I find this out? I was cleaning up everything from breakfast and I hear a crash. All of the pens I have fell to the floor. He was standing up ontop of my sewing machine. This shocked me so much that I had to run and get the camera. By the time I got back he was sitting. Here is what he did!
And again I get the cutest face with the trouble
The story ends with a crash as he tries to reach for something on the floor.
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