I have know that I have a little climber on my hands for awhile now but most things are still not climbable. The couch is still a tad bit high without help the chairs are also the same. He still tries and tries and tries. Well today the little guy climbed and stood ontop of my sewing machine. Of course he had to throw everything off the top of it first. What was he trying to get the printer and the junk stacked up ontop of it. How did I find this out? I was cleaning up everything from breakfast and I hear a crash. All of the pens I have fell to the floor. He was standing up ontop of my sewing machine. This shocked me so much that I had to run and get the camera. By the time I got back he was sitting. Here is what he did!
And again I get the cutest face with the trouble
The story ends with a crash as he tries to reach for something on the floor.
I have this neat little book that I made with my mother in law that Isaac really likes. It is just pictures taped to paper and put into a photo album. It is a Sunday reverence book because there are good things in it I let him look at it on other days too. Today was one of those other days. He is not the best at turning the pages and I really do not want it ruined. We struggle with this. Well I said "all done!" he stopped and looked at me and did the sign for finished/all done. I thought about this and realized this smart little boy had been picking up on the signs that I had been teaching him while he ate. I am even more motivated to teach him sign language since he can communicate and make sense out of things.
Some days I feel that I need to wake Isaac up so that his schedule does not get too messed up. I think he is pretty cute when he sleeps. Since we have been with out a binky it has been interesting to see how he comforts himself. We finish a bottle and the I cuddle him a little closer and sometimes he tries to keep sucking (So I have to wash my shirts more often then usual) but mostly he tucks his arms under his chest and relaxes. I hold him through one more song, kiss him, and then lay him down and he gets right to his stomach and tucks his arms under himself and smashes his head into the bed. I put the blanket over him and leave. I know he moves around because this is how I find him! He often has marks from something on his head or imprints from the blankets.